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Trial on Oyub Titiev: day 2


Six more witnesses of prosecution - police officers - interrogated. They no nothing on the matter of the case. 

Fabricated Criminal Case against Oyub Titiev and Attacks on Memorial Timeline


Summary of main events

Human Right violations in the Northern Caucasus

Publication date: 26.06.2018

List of Individuals Recognized as Political Prisoners by the Human Rights Centre Memorial and Persecuted in connection with the Realization of their Right to Freedom of Religion as of 14 June 2018

Publication date: 14.06.2018

List of Individuals Recognized as Political Prisoners by the Memorial Human Rights Centre (with the Exception of Those Persecuted in connection with the Realization of their Right to Freedom of Religion) as of 14 June 2018

Publication date: 14.06.2018

Lists of Political Prisoners as of 29 May 2018

Publication date: 11.06.2018

The daughter of Natalia Estemirova calls to sign her petition in support of Oyub Titiev and "Memorial"


«Nine years ago, we could not save my mother. But we can save Oyub»

The Human Rights Center "Memorial" publishes lists of political prisoners as of March 1, 2018.


Over the last four months, since the publication of the previous lists on October 29, 2017, the total number of political prisoners has grown by 26 people (from 117 people).

List of Individuals Recognized as Political Prisoners by the Human Rights Centre Memorial and Persecuted in connection with the Realization of their Right to Freedom of Religion as of 1 March 2018

Publication date: 07.03.2018

List of Individuals Recognized as Political Prisoners by the Memorial Human Rights Centre (with the Exception of Those Persecuted in connection with the Realization of their Right to Freedom of Religion) as of 1 March 2018

Publication date: 07.03.2018
