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Five convicted of involvement in Hizb ut-Tahrir in Crimea are political prisoners, Memorial says


The five men have been tried under terrorism law without being accused of terrorism

Scientist Viktor Kudryavtsev is a political prisoner, Memorial says


Memorial Human Rights Centre considers the charges groundless and demands the release of the 75-year-old academic.

Ten individuals prosecuted in the Kazan Hizb ut-Tahrir case are political prisoners, Memorial says


Memorial Human Rights Centre considers the charges groundless and demands that all defendants be released.

Memorial Human Rights Center will be hosting a roundtable on the humanitarian situation in Idlib


For the very first time Russian activists, journalists and human rights defenders will gather together in Moscow to discuss the topic.

On the tenth anniversary of Natalia Estemirova’s murder, human rights groups call for justice that is long overdue


Joint statement

Memorial condemns the inclusion of the Free Russia Foundation in the list of ‘undesirable’ organisations


On 28 June the Russian Ministry of Justice added the Free Russia Foundation [Фонд ‘Свободная Россия’] to the so-called ‘list of undesirable non-governmental organisations’.

Five opposition leaders in Ingushetia are political prisoners, Memorial says


Barakhoev, Malsagov, Nalgiev, Uzhakhov and Chemurziev were not involved in ‘organising acts of violence.’ On the contrary, they sought to prevent clashes between protesters and law enforcement officers.

Statement by Memorial on the case of Ivan Golunov


We demand all charges against the journalist be dropped.

Golos board member Roman Udot is a political prisoner, Memorial says


We demand his immediate release.

The prosecution of five residents of Bashkortostan, convicted of involvement in Nurjular, an Islamic association, has a political motive, Memorial says


We demand the immediate end of their criminal prosecutions and the release of those deprived of their liberty.
