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List of Individuals Recognised as Political Prisoners by the Memorial Human Rights Centre and Persecuted in connection with the Realisation of Their Right to Freedom of Religion as of 10 February 2020

Publication date: 19.02.2020

Feminist artist Yulia Tsvetkova is a political prisoner, Memorial says


Yulia Tsvetkova is being prosecuted for her public stance and feminist views

Verdict in the Network case: where the impossible is the norm


Seven people have been convicted by a military court in Penza in a case involving fabrication of evidence and torture. What does this mean, and how did we come to this?

Are the amendments to the Constitution being unnecessarily imposed or are they much needed?


Statement by Memorial Human Rights Centre

The Disappeared in Turkmenistan’s Prisons Whose Terms Have Expired Must Be Immediately Released


An Appeal by the Prove They Are Alive! Campaign to the President of Turkmenistan

On New Charges Laid against Leaders of the Ingush Protest Movement


Statement by Memorial Human Rights Centre

Memorial Recognises Blogger Vladislav Sinitsa as a Political Prisoner


Sinitsa has been sentenced to five years in a penal colony for a comment on Twitter

Memorial publishes new lists of political prisoners in Russia


The end of the year is the time to look back at what has been done. As the year 2020 is approaching, the Memorial Human Rights Centre is publishing new lists of Russian political prisoners who will see the new year in behind bars.

Opposition Activist Mark Galperin Once Again a Political Prisoner, Memorial Says


Memorial classifies Galperin as political prisoner after a suspended sentence he received for alleged incitement to extremism was replaced by a term in a penal colony

The Antifascists from Penza and St. Petersburg Accused of Being Members of Banned Organisation Network Are Political Prisoners, Memorial Says


The defendants have not been involved in terrorist activites; the criminal case against them has been fabricated and is based on testimony given under cruel torture
