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Navalny supporter assaulted at a St. Petersburg protest is a political prisoner


Eldar Garipov allegedly scratched the leg of a riot policeman, at the same time smashing his own head against a rubber baton

Ufa opposition activist Liliya Chanysheva is a political prisoner


Along with Navalny and his associates, Chanysheva is charged with creating an ‘extremist group.’ We believe their prosecution is intended to completely destroy the extra-parliamentary opposition in Russia 

The prosecution of Nizhny Novgorod opposition activists Natalia Rezontova and Roman Tregubov is unlawful and politically motivated


The activists are being prosecuted for violating ‘sanitation’ rules in their local area after they called for people to join a demonstration in support of Aleksei Navalny on 23 January

Nine individuals wrongly convicted for involvement in the St. Petersburg metro attack are political prisoners


We demand that the nine individuals be immediately release, all charges against them dropped and their right to rehabilitation be recognized

The prosecution of Chelyabinsk anarchists Dmitry Tsibukovsky and Anastasia Safonova is unlawful and politically motivated


The activists were initially sentenced to terms of imprisonment in the case of a banner with the words ‘The FSB is the main terrorist.’ The conviction was quashed on appeal but the charges have still not been dropped

Smolensk activist Sergei Komandirov is a political prisoner


Sergei Komandirov has been charged with justification of terrorism for reposting a video on VK of a dramatization of a trial of Putin and his associates

Kemerovo bloggers and activists Maksim Lavrentiev and Sergei Kamensky are political prisoners


We believe the activists are being prosecuted for their strong criticism of the authorities

The criminal case against Aleksei Navalny and his associates for organizing an ‘extremist group’ is politically motivated


We believe the designation of the Anti-Corruption Foundation and other structures run by Navalny as extremist to be unlawful. The organizations did not violate Russian law

The preliminary hearing of the lawsuit to close down Memorial Human Rights Centre will continue on 29 November


The plaintiff will submit missing documents and the defendants will submit their position in writing

50 member organisations of FIDH stand in solidarity with Memorial

We, the undersigned 50 organizations of the International Federation for Human Rights, condemn in the harshest terms the ongoing attempts by the Russian authorities to liquidate two of Russia’s foremost human rights NGOs
