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Memorial Held Pickets Protesting against Deportation of popular Chechen blogger Tumsu Abdurakhmanov from Poland to Russia


He is likely to face inhuman treatment in his homeland.

On December 20, Tumsu Abdurakhmanov learned that the authorities of Poland decided to expel him to Russia.

We believe that he will be detained right in the Moscow airport, sent to Chechnya and subjected to tough pressure, torture and criminal prosecution on false charges there. One of the main reasons is the fact that Abdurakhmanov has been one of the most active critics of Ramzan Kadyrov's regime since 2016. His video-blog on Youtube has more than 115 thousand followers.

The desicion to expel Abdurakhmanov is a violation of the right of asylum which is unacceptable in Poland, a democratic European country. 
On December 28, Memorial members held pickets in front of the Poland's embassy in Moscow protesting against the deportation of Abdurakhmanov. 
Members of Memorial's Board Oleg Orlov, Svetlana Gannushkina and Vladimir Malykhin, as well as the head of the Russian department of Amnesty International Natalya Zvyagina, participated in the action. 

Memorial members also had a letter addressed to the minister of the Interior and the minister of Foreing Ministry of Poland but the embassy refused to get it. We sent the letter by urgent post later that day (see the text below, in Russian). 
