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Memorial: A big live stream


February 21, 8.00 p.m. (Moscow time)

The February 21 big stream is about what is happening at Memorial right now. Yes, we will show the day-to-day work of the Memorial staff and talk about the life of the various Memorial projects on air. This year, our everyday life has somehow unfairly disappeared behind the news of liquidation – and it shouldn’t have! In fact, there is always something more interesting and important going on at Memorial than liquidation.

To make sure, we invited two independent journalists, historian Ilya Venyavkin  and political scientist Sasha Alexeev to host the stream. They will talk to the staff of Memorial about the most topical issues: checking the database of political repression victims and working in hot spots, archival discoveries and complaints to the ECHR – and basically about anything they want to ask about (no censorship). So tune in at 8:00 p.m. (Moscow time) to see how Memorial is doing and what it will surely continue to do in 2022.

The stream will take place with the information support of the Dozhd TV channel.

Генеральная прокуратура и прокуратура Москвы подали иски о ликвидации Международного Мемориала и Правозащитного центра «Мемориал» в Верховный суд России и в Мосгорсуд соответственно.
