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Russian Prosecutor General's Office files lawsuit to liquidate International Memorial


Statement by International Memorial

On November 11 at 16:30 International Memorial received a notification from the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation. It informs us that the Prosecutor General’s Office brought an action against International Memorial stating that our organization must be liquidated because it systematically broke the rules of Russia’s «foreign agent» law (in particular, the requirements to label all our materials). The sitting of the court is due to be held on November 25.

We have repeatedly emphasized that the Russian foreign agent legislation is unlawful and consciously designed to suppress civil society. We have insisted that this law must be repealed. Yet, as long as it is in force, we are obliged to fulfil its requirements.

We believe that there are no legal grounds for the liquidation of International Memorial.

The decision to abolish International Memorial is politically motivated. It aims to destroy the organization which deals with the political repressions of the past and fights for human rights today.

Read this statement in Russian and watch the documents
