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18.11.2021 | 16:55
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Said-Mukhamad Dzhumaev was given an unprecedentedly harsh sentence of five years in a penal colony, although no police personnel were injured by his actions

Источник: «Мемориал»
17.11.2021 | 20:28
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Rostov activist Kirill Skripin was held for almost six months on remand even though there is no CCTV footage of the alleged crime

Источник: «Мемориал»
16.11.2021 | 15:11

18 November 2021, 11: 30 (Moscow Time)

5/10 Karetny ryad, Moscow, Russia

Источник: «Мемориал»
15.11.2021 | 09:53
Источник: «Мемориал»
11.11.2021 | 18:38
Источник: «Мемориал»
9.11.2021 | 16:10
Программа: Muslims, Support for political prisoners

Over the past year the number of political prisoners in Russia has risen from 362 to 420 

Источник: «Мемориал»
3.11.2021 | 12:28
Программа: Central Asia

Statement by non-governmental organizations

Источник: «Мемориал»
29.10.2021 | 12:28
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Ilya Pershin was sentenced to three years in a low security penal colony on charges of using violence against a police officer at a protest rally on 31 January 2021. We consider the charges unproven and demand his conviction be quashed

Источник: «Мемориал»
15.10.2021 | 19:20
Источник: «Мемориал»
13.10.2021 | 14:30
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Alfyorov has been prosecuted more than twenty times for various alleged administrative offences because of his criticism of the authorities. Now he faces four criminal charges for ‘extremism’ and insulting public officials

Источник: «Мемориал»
29.09.2021 | 16:17
Программа: Hot Points, Support for political prisoners

Two young Chechens who criticized the authorities on the Internet were abducted and forced to publicly repent. After leaving Chechnya, they were detained in Nizhny Novgorod on charges of aiding and abetting militants

Источник: «Мемориал»
24.09.2021 | 13:33
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Pavel Grin-Romanov has been sentenced to three years in a penal colony for using pepper spray to protect his wife at a protest rally as it was being broken up by the authorities

Источник: «Мемориал»
8.09.2021 | 15:02
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Senior citizen Yuri Zhdanov has been held on remand for almost six months. The former civil servant is accused of assisting a person on the housing waiting list to illegally obtain an apartment

Источник: «Мемориал»
23.08.2021 | 15:24
Программа: Support for political prisoners

The total number of Jehovah’s Witnesses prosecuted for belonging to the faith’s communities exceeds 500. This is the largest group on our list of political prisoners

Источник: «Мемориал»
16.08.2021 | 13:40
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Olga Bendas has been sentenced to two years in a penal colony for assaulting a police officer by ‘striking the officer’s bulletproof jacket and helmet’

Источник: «Мемориал»
11.08.2021 | 12:27

We are saddened to learn of the passing of Sergei Kovalev

Источник: «Мемориал»
9.08.2021 | 14:56
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Federyakov has been sentenced to a year and a half in a penal colony. Investigators assert he fired pepper spray at a riot police officer during the protests on 23 January 2021

Источник: «Мемориал»
27.07.2021 | 13:56
Программа: Migration, Support for political prisoners

The European Court of Human Rights banned Russia from extraditing Kudzin, a participant in last year's August protests, to his home country of Belarus where he is at risk of torture 

Источник: «Мемориал»
26.07.2021 | 13:44
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Oleg Makurin was fined 300,000 roubles for public justification of terrorism

Источник: «Мемориал»
21.07.2021 | 16:18
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Statement by Memorial Human Rights Centre

Источник: «Мемориал»
