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Письмо Kathelijne Schenkel

Herewith I would like to express my sympathy to you and colleagues at Memorial for the tragic death of Natalia Estemirova. I was shocked and very sad to read in the paper this morning what happened to her in Chechnya. It’s terrible she became victim of what she was fighting against. I have great

Herewith I would like to express my sympathy to you and colleagues at Memorial for the tragic death of Natalia Estemirova. I was shocked and very sad to read in the paper this morning what happened to her in Chechnya. It’s terrible she became victim of what she was fighting against. I have great respect for the work Memorial is doing and I wish all of you strength to cope with this sad loss.

Best wishes,
Kathelijne Schenkel

Программа: Ведение дел в ЕСПЧ
Программа: Горячие точки

Наталья Эстемирова родилась 28 февраля 1958 года в городе Камышлов Свердловской области в русско-чеченской семье, окончила исторический факультет Грозненского университета, работала учительницей. Весной 1994 года у Наташи родилась дочь Лана.
