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List of Individuals Recognized as Political Prisoners by the Human Rights Centre Memorial and Persecuted in connection with the Realization of their Right to Freedom of Religion as of 5 September 2018

Publication date: 27.09.2018

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We consider political prisoners to be individuals who are serving a prison sentence, as well as those being held in custody or under house arrest as a form of pre-trial detention. We reckon among political prisoners individuals who are being persecuted in connection with the realization of their legitimate rights as well as those who are being unlawfully or disproportionately persecuted by the authorities for political reasons. We do not regard as political prisoners those individuals who used violence against the person or called for violence on the grounds of religion, nationality, race etc. All the criteria for considering individuals as political prisoners are published on our website.

As individuals persecuted in connection with the realization of the right to freedom of religion make up more than a half of the total number of political prisoners in Russia, and as their cases of persecution have much in common, their names are compiled in a separate list. None of the individuals on the list used violence, called for violence or planned violent acts.

There are 141 names in the present list.