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19.05.2020 | 11:17
Программа: Support for political prisoners

The charges against Aleksei Bessarabov and Vladimir Dudka have been fabricated, their confessions obtained through torture with electric shocks.

Источник: «Мемориал»
15.04.2020 | 11:51
Программа: Support for political prisoners

More than 330 Jehovah’s Witnesses have now been subject to prosecution

Источник: «Мемориал»
14.04.2020 | 15:01
Программа: Support for political prisoners

They contain 318 names

Источник: «Мемориал»
6.04.2020 | 14:49
Источник: «Мемориал»
19.03.2020 | 14:05
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We believe Domnin was in the zone of armed conflict for a short period of time, did not take a direct part in the fighting, and presents no danger to society

Источник: «Мемориал»
10.03.2020 | 12:42
Программа: Muslims, Support for political prisoners

Almaz Usmanov, Zafar Yakubov and Danil Bagautdinov have been sentenced under terrorist articles of the Russian Criminal Code to terms in prison ranging from 11 to 17 years without having been charged with terrorism

Источник: «Мемориал»
2.03.2020 | 14:17
Программа: Hot Points, Support for political prisoners

Bagaudin Khautiev has been charged with organising violence against public officials and participating in an extremist group. We believe Khautiev tried to prevent clashes between protesters and riot police and that no extremist group existed.

Источник: «Мемориал»
18.02.2020 | 14:31
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Yulia Tsvetkova is being prosecuted for her public stance and feminist views

Источник: «Мемориал»
14.02.2020 | 11:22
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Seven people have been convicted by a military court in Penza in a case involving fabrication of evidence and torture. What does this mean, and how did we come to this?

Источник: «Мемориал»
10.02.2020 | 11:19
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Statement by Memorial Human Rights Centre

Источник: «Мемориал»
6.02.2020 | 14:20
Программа: Muslims, Support for political prisoners

On trial under terrorism articles of the Russian Criminal Code, they have not been charged with terrorism

Источник: «Мемориал»
5.02.2020 | 13:27
Программа: Muslims, Support for political prisoners

If convicted, Nizamov faces a possible life sentence

Источник: «Мемориал»
23.01.2020 | 20:06
Программа: Central Asia

An Appeal by the Prove They Are Alive! Campaign to the President of Turkmenistan

Источник: «Мемориал»
20.01.2020 | 13:17
Программа: Hot Points, Support for political prisoners

Statement by Memorial Human Rights Centre

Источник: «Мемориал»
13.01.2020 | 13:17
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Sinitsa has been sentenced to five years in a penal colony for a comment on Twitter

Источник: «Мемориал»
13.01.2020 | 10:38
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Moscow resident Sergey Surovtsev has been sentenced to two and a half years in a prison colony for ‘causing pain’ to a National Guard officer at the protest for free and fair elections on 27 July.

Источник: «Мемориал»
20.12.2019 | 18:45
Программа: Support for political prisoners

The end of the year is the time to look back at what has been done. As the year 2020 is approaching, the Memorial Human Rights Centre is publishing new lists of Russian political prisoners who will see the new year in behind bars.

Источник: «Мемориал»
20.12.2019 | 12:34
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Memorial classifies Galperin as political prisoner after a suspended sentence he received for alleged incitement to extremism was replaced by a term in a penal colony

Источник: «Мемориал»
18.12.2019 | 13:54
Программа: Support for political prisoners

The defendants have not been involved in terrorist activites; the criminal case against them has been fabricated and is based on testimony given under cruel torture

Источник: «Мемориал»
9.12.2019 | 12:53
Программа: Support for political prisoners

He was charged with preparing to acquire and illegally export military-related equipment from Russia

Источник: «Мемориал»
