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3.05.2018 | 19:08
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We demand his immediate release.

Источник: «Мемориал»
27.04.2018 | 16:05
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Memorial demands their release.

Источник: «Мемориал»
26.04.2018 | 12:56
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Memorial demands his immediate release.

Источник: «Мемориал»
22.03.2018 | 14:31
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Roman Maryan [Роман Марьян], a political activist from Krasnoyarsk opposed to the government, has been charged with «preparing to take part in riots» under Article 30 (Section 1) and Article 212 (Section 2) of the Russian Criminal Code.

Источник: «Мемориал»
7.03.2018 | 14:00
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Over the last four months, since the publication of the previous lists on October 29, 2017, the total number of political prisoners has grown by 26 people (from 117 people).

Источник: «Мемориал»
7.03.2018 | 13:34
Программа: Support for political prisoners

It is evident that the case of Hizb ut-Tahrir is one of the so-called “off the shelf” cases that enable the FSB to achieve “high results” (dozens of convictions) with minimal effort. 

Источник: «Мемориал»
7.03.2018 | 13:25
Программа: Support for political prisoners

The defendants did not engage in terrorism, nor did they commit any actions of danger to the public.

Источник: «Мемориал»
2.03.2018 | 14:21
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We demand that Nikolai Sentsov, and the other defendants charged with participation in BARS, be immediately released, and that there be an impartial investigation into the charges brought against them.

Источник: «Мемориал»
21.02.2018 | 20:09
Программа: Support for political prisoners

The activist is being prosecuted for incitement to «throw out those in the Kremlin over the Kremlin wall.»

Источник: «Мемориал»
19.02.2018 | 11:39
Программа: Hot Points, Support for political prisoners

We demand his immediate release and the prosecution of those persons complicit in the fabrication of the criminal case against him.

Источник: «Мемориал»
13.02.2018 | 11:27
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We demand that he be immediately released, and that the criminal case be the subject of an impartial investigation.

Источник: «Мемориал»
25.01.2018 | 15:11
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Memorial has concluded that this prosecution is politically-motivated.

Источник: «Мемориал»
24.01.2018 | 21:43
Программа: Support for political prisoners

We demand that they be released and that those who are responsible for their prosecution be brought to justice.

Источник: «Мемориал»
22.01.2018 | 20:39
Программа: Hot Points

On January 17, Grozny TV broadcast an evening news story featuring the head of the Chechen Republic Ramzan Kadyrov speaking at a meeting with officials from the Chechen Republic Ministry of Internal Affairs and the republican department of the Federal Service of the National Guard Troops.

Источник: «Мемориал»
9.01.2018 | 19:42
Программа: Hot Points

In the morning of January 9, 2018 members of Human Rights Center Memorial’s office in Grozny (Chechen Republic) came to the office, except the head of it, Oyub Titiev.

Источник: «Мемориал»
9.01.2018 | 12:39
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Ziyavdin Dapaev and the brothers Sukhrab and Artur Kaltuev have been sentenced to terms in prison for taking part in group readings of works by the Turkish theologian Said Nursi.

Источник: «Мемориал»
28.12.2017 | 15:17
Программа: Support for political prisoners

Prisich stated at his trial: «After each question I was given an electric shock and told I should think about the answer."

Источник: «Мемориал»
30.11.2017 | 18:13
Программа: Поддержка политзэков, Преследования мусульман

We demand that Adiev, Khafizov, Zaripov, Valiullin, Uzbekov, Saitov, Davletshin and Khevronin be released.

Источник: «Мемориал»
5.11.2008 | 00:00
Программа: Central Asia

One and half months after the events, information about the armed clashes which took place in September 2008 in Ashgabat is still contradictory and incomplete.

Источник: «Мемориал»
