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Oleg Orlov's Final Remarks

OLEG ORLOV: Dear colleagues, we have brought our round table to an end. I hope our many hours of discussion and sitting were not in vain. At the very least, in a number of cases we saw well-defined positions and clearly defined differences, which is useful. Sergey, we’ll try to describe the

OLEG ORLOV: Dear colleagues, we have brought our round table to an end. I hope our many hours of discussion and sitting were not in vain. At the very least, in a number of cases we saw well-defined positions and clearly defined differences, which is useful. Sergey, we’ll try to describe the discussion with you in an expanded press release. We will later put together a detailed description of the approaches to the issue that we heard here. Perhaps it will be useful to society. Maybe we will continue to discuss political persecutions in Russia in this room at “Memorial.” It is clear that there is a debate on the anti-extremist legislation, about Article 282 and others adjacent to it. I think our next discussion will be on this topic. Look on the internet. Wait for an invitation. We will be glad to see you all. Thank you. A special thanks to Polit.ru for the live broadcast of our gathering.

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